September 1, 2023

We have competed the construction of basketball court in large shopping center park

In June 2023, we won the bid for improvement of the area near a large shopping center – construction of a basketball court in the park near a residential zone. We had 1.5 months for design and construction.

Our work process

Irrespective of type and complexity of the projects we manage to run, we always follow one of our core principles – partnership and symmetry of responsibilities. The targets of partners become our targets. We strive not merely to perform a contract but ensure best efforts to make the main goal of our partner achieved.

We started working on the project since its initiation: we conducted a baseline marketing survey and proved the area potential for sports development. At the design stage, we took account of all modern requirements to basketball courts, promptly collected and accommodated the feedback of the target group. Due to tight deadline of the project and long delivery time of equipment, we decided to design and manufacture all sports equipment for the court on our own.

We encountered quite complicated work conditions and rules in the park: the works had to entail no interruption of the business activity and there were no access ways for vehicles to the construction site. These aspects combined with high park attendance required thorough elaboration of construction safety issues.

Having completed all stages ahead of the schedule, we offered the partner to arrange the opening ceremony for trade centre visitors and local residents at our own expense with no extra cost to the partner.

We invited representatives of the local sports society and arranged a really interesting event involving a local sport star. The attendance of the event was higher than expected. Information about the basketball court had quickly spread via social media bringing active involvement and positive feedback to the partner with gratitude for implementation of a really important project!

Within 1.5 months, we designed and constructed a basketball court of 880 sq m in a busy park, manufactured sports equipment and a lighting system, arranged, at no cost for the partner, an opening ceremony involving a local sports star

Benefits for our partner

We managed not merely to improve the area, but to create a point of attraction and a meeting place for sports societies from the areas close to the trade centre and other parts of the city.

Take a look at how it was!

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